I think we all have something we are self-conscious about. I don’t pretend to be an exception to this. I normally try to save face by ignoring this part of me because of the sheer amount of stress, anxiety and insecurity it has caused me. My problem started in elementary school. I developed seemingly overnight and clearly remember going to school feeling bigger than everyone else. I had blemishes on my skin when the rest of my classmates had skin of porcelain. As I got older, breakouts continued. My mom would buy me different soaps and potions to try. I would even make up my own to find relief. Aside from the shame I felt of the unwanted attention my skin was calling, it was painful! As I got older, and had my own income, I started trying more things… skincare systems like Proactive, Acne Free, Neutrogena and even late night info-mercial stuff like that stuff Cindy Crawford was selling! Nothing helped. I then had a dermatologist that prescribed me topical retinoids and had me on countless months of antibiotics. Sometimes injecting each cyst with cortisone which was incredibly painful! Then the worst was doing two rounds of Accutane only to get no cure! Yes, the blemish treated would go away but the next month I had new ones. Just no end. I then went to a skin clinic where I spent THOUSANDS on lasers and all kinds of facials to reduce scarring and hyperpigmentation left from all these years of acne. At this point, my skin wasn’t clear but, it wasn’t out of control. It wasn’t until I got pregnant and got hit with all of those hormones that my skin just got completely out of control, and only got worst with each pregnancy. I don’t even have pictures on me with the kids little because my skin was so terrible. I was embarrassed. I looked harsh. I cannot explain to you the frustration of feeling completely different than the person I saw in the mirror. After I had my youngest, I cleaned up my diet. I started eating clean. I avoided sugar, gluten and dairy and my breakouts became more or less controlled. However after 3 pregnancies I had very dark melasma patches that made me look so harsh. I mean RBF to another level. So, I kept eating clean and settled on wearing 3! Yes, 3!!! Layers of makeup to try to hide my dull skin. Why am I telling you all this? 1. Because if you deal with acne, you are not alone. 2. I want you to realize the scope of what happened to me these last two months…

I am constantly on the lookout for something new. I came across a couple of people talking about Herbal Face Food and I was intrigued. Something all natural – NO CHEMICALS that helps all skin problems, from acne to eczema even dark spots and skin tags… So I did the natural thing, I googled it! I searched the reviews and found no negative reviews. And since I had literally tried just about everything else, I ordered it. *With my own money, not sponsored! I ordered myself formula 2 and X. It is the absolute simplest skincare system. You literally just put it on your clean face! If you have a break out coming through or a spot that needs extra attention, you use the X formula to spot treat. As soon as I put it on the first time I think I said something like… “OH SH*T. ITS WORKING!” You immediately feel it tingle and you can feel that it is really absorbing into the skin. I used it only once a day (at night) for about a month until I finished the bottle and the difference I felt was kind of, amazing and also kind of unbelievable. The dark spots I have, (HAD!?) are almost all gone. My pores seem… cleaner? My skin looks and feels like its healing and literally pushing the impurities out all on its own. New breakouts don’t stand a chance! They don’t even surface and are gone in a day or two. I mean truly unbelievable. Then the most incredible thing happened… I hadn’t seen my family in at least 6 months and when we got together at Easter for the first time (finally!) my aunt looked at me and asked what I was doing because she had never seen my skin look so healthy. I’m typing this, and I’m crying. NEVER in my life could I imagine getting a SKIN compliment. NEVER!!!!

RE: This photo… *I realize the awkward pose.. my elbow stuck.. I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to posing, but when I saw my skin in this photo… (I did not touch up these photos!) Yes, golden hour helps. BUT MY GOD. I can’t even believe it! It’s me. Bare skin.

Back to the reason I’m telling you all this, I was so excited about Herbal Face Food, I personally reached out them to ask 2 questions… 1. What the heck they put in this thing because it’s incredible… and 2. To let me help in spreading the word because, I can’t be the only one dealing with skin issues. I want you to feel what it’s like to get a compliment on your skin too! It’s only been 2 months! I’ve already started my second bottle to continue my journey to heal my skin. If you would like to join me on this journey, Herbal Face Food has generously given me a 20% off coupon code to share with you, to help get you started on your skin healing journey! Herbal Face Food doesn’t do sales, the only way to get a discount is with this code —> Veronica20

Taking these photos (with NO MAKEUP!!!) was a huge leap for me, almost as big as bearing my insecurities on the internet! (OMG! What am I doing!?) I’ve lived my life avoiding pictures, especially bare faced, now here I am posting them without touching up my skin! When I find something good, I have to scream about them! If my testimony helps just ONE person to feel less alone about dealing with similar skin issues… If it encourages ONE person to try Herbal Face Food and they feel a difference in what skin care really is… then it was absolutely, totally WORTH IT.

Click here for 20% your Herbal Face Food order and let’s go on this journey together! Don’t forget to use code: VERONICA20 !

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them! Just comment down below!


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