Living in Los Angeles, you’re only 20 minutes away from the mountains, the sea or the desert. Anywhere you want to be, really… IF there wasn’t any traffic! True, we are ideally and centrally located, but the reality of living in L.A. is the traffic and impending commute everywhere you go!  I have found a few things that keep my kids occupied and I’ve put them together for you with affiliate links. The items wont cost you any more, but using my links help support this blog 🙂 Besides snacks, this collection can help you maintain your sanity in any situation, from L.A. traffic to restaurant waiting and even air travel!

Nothing like nice quiet stickers to pass the time the transfer process takes a little time and keeps littles busy and focused on the task. Find the link for these Melissa and Doug Stickers here!

Here is a city scape one to keep your travels on theme!

These Water Wow! pads are AMAZING!! I cannot recommend them enough! There are a variety of themes and levels. Anytime I see one we don’t have I grab it! All you need is a little water and the kids are water coloring, practicing writing, decoding puzzles… endless fun! They are amazingly neat to use! They don’t leave puddles of water, they dry quickly and are ready to use again! Find the link for this Water Wow set here!

These Disney Pop Adventure sets are so portable and absolutely perfect for on the go pretend play! It fits perfectly in Zoe’s mini backpack! There are different playsets but this one is ON SALE at Target for $6.75!! Here’s the link!!!

There’s a cute Olaf one too!

Comment down below if you’ve used any of these or if you’ve found things that have helped you and yours kids pass the time. I will update this list as I find more things.

*The kids car seats (pictured above) are from Kids’Embrace you can find the Minnie seat here.


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